Friday, August 26, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 1

This is only the first week of the class, but I think I'm off to a good start. There was no new writing for me this week, I just republished my writing from Epics of India, which I took last semester. There was also no new reading, but I did select some possible future reading. I'm going to start with Aesop's Fables during the first week. After that I'm considering Beowulf, Dante's Inferno, and Noah and the Ark. All of these are pretty classic readings, only some of which I am mildly familiar with, so I'm looking forward to all of them. I especially enjoyed doing the new extra credit assignment, Wikipedia trails. I started at Aesop's Fables, and ended at Piracy in Somalia. It should be familiar to anyone who has played 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

My other classes have also picked up speed this week. More than a few projects have been assigned with the first due in about a month, keeping up with those along with my regular tests and assignments is sure to be difficult. But, like anything else, you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.  I'm glad to see some other Petroleum Engineers in this class again: Tyler, who was also in Epics of India with me last semester, and Ahmed, who is new to me. I want to wish both of them luck in the upcoming semester, because we are all sure to need it.

Out of class, it is recruitment season for Petroleum Engineers, which means everyone is feeling the pressure as we ramp up for the career fair. It's always difficult to find a job, but I'm worried it's going to be even harder with the oil price the way it is. My weekend is sure to involve a flurry of applications.

Image result for oil barrel
Barrels of Crude Oil, from The Independent

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