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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Wikipedia Trail: Aesop's Fables to Piracy off the Coast of Somalia

Since it will be my reading next week, I'll start on the Wikipedia page for Aesop's Fables. I hope I can begin to familiarize myself with the stories before I begin reading. From here I learned that Aesop is thought to have been a slave in Ancient Greece, so the next page I clicked on was Slavery in Ancient Greece. This article covered some of the differences in Greek Slavery and the more recent chattel style of slavery from American History. I was already somewhat familiar with this topic from my American History course at OU. I didn't know, however, that some Greek slaves were captured by pirates, and I figured reading up on Piracy would be interesting. I learned that pirates still steal an estimated $16 billion per year. From here, I went to Piracy off the Coast of Somalia. Somalia is a hotbed of modern piracy, below you can see a map of the effected area.

Map of area effected by Somali Piracy, Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick note to say I am so glad you gave this a try, Andrew... it's something a friend of mine and I came up with this summer, and this post is a perfect example of the surprising and informative things that can happen. Fabulous!
