Friday, September 16, 2016

Famous Last Words: One Month In

It's my fourth Famous Last Words post, which means we are all about a month into the semester. Time goes by faster and faster everyday.

This week I read The Voyages of Sindbad by Andrew Lang. This first thing I learned was that it was Sindbad, not Sinbad like the comedian. I thought the stories were somewhat odd. Sindbad didn't strike me as a role model. He made a lot of mistakes, mostly by continuing to leave his house. He also did some very dark things, like murdering people for their food. As I mentioned in my reading post, I'm not convinced he didn't eat their bodies also. Sindbad is always saved by a stroke of luck and peoples inability to recognize him. The only good things he does are donating to the local poor and the mosques in his community. I think that these positive religious aspects are ultimately the point. Sindbad is also featured in my storytelling this week, where I took a more realistic view at the trajectory of his life. This story was also the first story I added to my portfolio, so let me know what you all think of it.

Image result for sinbad
Sinbad, possible cannibal. From the APA

As far as my other classes are concerned, I have my first test on Monday in Geophysics. It's an online test, which is definitely new for me. I also have a lab report due on Tuesday in Reservoir Fluids Lab, and a project due a week from tomorrow in Reservoir Engineering II. It has been a very long week, especially with the extra stress of having to go to the engineering career fair yesterday. I don't think a single person enjoyed themselves in that sweaty and stressful hellhole. 

Thanks for reading and writing along with me this week, keep checking back for more soon. 

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