Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week 3 Extra Credit Reading: Hans Christian Andersen

I will be reading Part B of the Hans Christian Andersen collection this week, which exclusively involves The Little Mermaid.

  • The opening description of the Sea King's castle really lends itself to imagining yourself there, deep underwater. 
  • I don't understand why the Little Mermaid wouldn't be fascinated by things from shipwrecks, if she is so fascinated by life above the surface of the water. 
  • I don't feel like the Little Mermaid will understand the lesson that "Pride must suffer pain", she doesn't strike me as ostentatious so far. 
  • The religious overtones of this story are weird to me, with the Grandmother talking about how human souls live forever. To me, this prospect seems to entice the Little Mermaid even more. 
  • The Little Mermaid is foolish to think that everything will work out well, it relies on a Prince who does not know she exists falling in love with her. This is further compounded with the fact that her tongue has been cut out. 
  • I don't understand how the Little Mermaid is happy, she can't speak or walk. 
  • I expected her to die, certainly not for her to turn into air and wave around for 300 years. The ending seems like the weakest part of the story to me. 
Image result for the little mermaid hca
The Little Mermaid after she casts herself off the ship, from By Gosh

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