Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week 4 Extra Credit Reading: European Fairy Tales I

This week I will be reading Andrew Lang's European Fairy Tales I. This post will cover part A.
Image result for Blue Fairy Book
Cover of The Blue Fairy Book, from Dover Publications
  • Our cat seems smart and cocky, I wonder if that will turn out to be a deadly combination in the end. I can't tell if these are going to be dark stories or not yet. 
  • The cat was doing potentially bad things to help his master. I'm shocked that his scheme worked out entirely for everyone involved. 
  • I find it odd that people in old stories become dramatically thinner in short amounts of time when they are distressed. I've never noticed stress affect a persons weight so sharply before. 
  • I can't tell if some level of hubris is a desired or reviled trait in these stories. The King in the second story seemed to lack confidence so much that it was his downfall, but I feel the boy tricking the Dragon is going to let his confidence carry him too far. 
  • I feel like the person who was really tricked was the King, the Trickster probably had a good idea of what would occur. 
  • Does Knowledge itself kill joy, or does the pursuit of Knowledge kill joy? I think the story ultimately decided on the first option, but the second interpretation has some merit. 
  • Ingibjorg certainly didn't deserve to have her feet cut off. This story might be the weirdest so far. 
Thanks for reading. 

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