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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Wikipedia Trails: Sindbad to René Descartes

I began at the page for the main character of my reading this week, Sindbad the Sailor. This story took place during the Abbasid Caliphate, which sounded very serious and interesting so I researched it next.
The extent of the Abbasid Caliphate, from Wikipedia
This Caliphate coming to power coincided with the beginning of the Islamic Golden Age, which let to a number of advancements in science and math, among other things. Algebra is considered by some to have been developed during this period. Another person who made significant advancements in Algebra was René Descartes, who I discovered is responsible for the Cartesian Coordinate System - the (x,y) graphs that we are all so used to today. Thanks for reading. 

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