Sunday, October 2, 2016

Famous Last Words: Exponential

Image showing I made a total of 84 posts during Epics of India. 
I chose "Exponential" as my title this week because I feel that I am moving through this class at an exponential rate. I finished the sister class to Myth & Folklore, Epics of India, around week 9-10 during this most recent spring semester. However, I did not finish all the extra credit for Epics of India each week as I have done for this course. Therefore, I am hoping for a week 8 or week 9 finish, because if I recall correctly week 8 has some different assignments to shake things up a little. 

As far as the actual details of my assignments in this class are concerned, I read Brer Rabbit this week. Being honest, it may be my least favorite reading from this class and Epics of India combined. It wasn't so much the content as the way it was written. The attempt to write in a very "laissez les bons temps rouler" style of deep Louisiana Cajun made the reading hard to decipher and understand. I also saw Deepwater Horizon on Friday night, and some of the Cajun accents in that movie were atrocious (looking at you John Malkovich). There have been too many reminders of some of my least favorite extended family members this week. Therefore, I decided to write my story this week based on my extra credit reading, Andrew Lang's European Fairy Tales. I did a modern retelling of Puss in Boots helping his owner find a job, which my or may not be subconsciusly related to the fact that I need someone to do the same for me right now. However, I did connect Brer Rabbit to the IRS in my Wikipedia Trail this week. I didn't like the reading, but this is one of the Wikipedia trails I have enjoyed most so far. 

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