Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 7 Reading: The Monkey King

This week I am reading The Monkey King from The Chinese Fairy Book by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens. This post will cover Part A.
The Monkey King, from Wikipedia

  • I'm not sure what this story is intended to be, I have never heard of it before. I don't know if it is a morality tale for children, a serious drama, or some sort of religious text. 
  • I wonder what they mean by "stone" monkey. Is he strong and tough, actually made of stone, or does it refer to his birth? 
  • Speaking of his birth, it seems somewhat like the Virgin birth some of us may be familiar with from the bible. It strikes me as a very common trait among heroes in old stories. 
  • Ahhhh, it is a story about Buddhism. This is starting to make more since to me now. 
  • The fact that he is having trouble focusing really humanizes him. His training ending due to his own faults is interesting. 
  • He has been gone for a while, I wonder what the state of his Kingdom will be when he gets back. 
Thanks for reading with me. 

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