Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week 9 Extra Credit Reading: The Brothers Grimm

This post will cover part B of The Brother's Grimm, translated by Margaret Hunt.
Bearskin, from Wikisource
  • The appearance of the Devil is interesting. I hadn't seen any Christian connections yet, but this is classic German writing. Perhaps I just missed them. 
  • The other two daughters killing themselves is exactly the darkness I expected. Plus, the Devil masterminded this whole thing. 
  • This is the second time a couple has received exactly the child they wished for. First, thumb sized, and now a hedgehog. You think that they would learn after a while. 
  • Hans is certainly a weird and principled fellow. Why did he raise those pigs just to let others slaughter them, even after his father shunned him. Also, what happened to his donkeys? Germans eat funny things, but not donkeys. 
  • I never knew there was a Rose-red who was Snow-white's sibling. This should get interesting. 
  • The dwarf being wicked is not what I expected. This might be the story that was "Disneyfied" the most. 
Thanks for reading. 

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