Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wikipedia Trail: Dalai Lama to Guru Nanak

File:1st Dalai Lama.jpg
The Dalai Lama, from Wikipedia
I used a quote from the Dalai Lama in a recent Learning Challenge post, so I decided to start there. Our current Dalai Lama is the 14th one, which seems like relatively few for having been around since 1391. The Tibetan word 'lama" corresponds to the Sanskrit word 'guru". I couldn't remember which countries spoke Sanskrit, so I decided to click and find out. It turns out I was very wrong, Sanskrit is the Hindu religious language. It is also the religious language of the Sikhs. Sikh's have a number of gurus, so I clicked on Guru Nanak quite randomly. He lived from 1469 to 1539, and he was the founder of Sikhism. Lucky guess on my part, the list was alphabetical.

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