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Monday, August 22, 2016


Hi Everyone,

My name is Andrew Wright and I am a Senior Petroleum Engineering major here at OU. I've really enjoyed all of the classes up to this point, but that does not mean that I'm not ready to be done with college and start my professional career. My dream job is any one that I can get despite the current crude oil prices.

One of my favorite classes is Improved Recovery Techniques, which I took abroad over the summer in Puebla, Mexico. The subject material is fascinating (especially if you enjoy highly technical eight hour long lectures on reservoir engineering), but I also thoroughly enjoyed all the time I got to spend exploring Mexico. I visited Mexico City and San Cristobal in addition to Puebla. Luchador wrestling is far more fun to watch than I ever thought it could be, and crickets tasted shockingly good.

Me, standing on the Pyramid of the Moon with the Pyramid of the Sun in the background at Teotihuacan.  

I am originally from Austin, Texas (Before you ask why I didn't go to UT, my parents are OU Alum). I still love to go back home to eat at my favorite restaurants and see my families corgi, Satchel. He is stubborn and needy, but for some reason we haven't kicked him out yet. 

Satchel, doing his best cat impression. 

I already wrote up a post on one of my favorite places, Wellington, New Zealand. You can check out my post about it here. I enjoy reading, especially when I'm on vacation. Cormac McCarthy is my all time favorite author, or Bill Bryson when I'm looking for something a little lighter. Another favorite series of mine is A Song of Ice and Fire/A Game of Thrones. My other favorite TV show is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I also spend more time than I should playing xbox. Finally, my other hobbies include my caffeine addiction and watching sports car racing.

To practice embedding YouTube videos, I'm leaving my favorite cat video below.

Feel free to leave a comment here, or on my comment wall


  1. Oh my gosh, you went to Teotihuacan, Andrew: that is so cool! And did I know that you are from Austin? If so, I had forgotten that. I am also from Austin originally, and my dad moved back there when he retired, so I go to visit as often as I can. He lives downtown near the UT campus, so it is fun to visit: we can walk to lots of places without even having to use the car at all!

    I am so curious what you will do with all those interests here in the Myth-Folklore class. You'll see that it much more free-form than Indian Epics because of the global scope. So if you want to do Maori legends or learn more about Teotihuacan or work on dragons (Game of Thrones!), it's all possible. I'm so curious to see which way(s) you will go this semester. :-)

  2. Andrew, I am glad to see you in another one of my classes. I bet your trip to Mexico was fantastic. I myself wanted to go on the trip as well with Dr. Deepak. Anyways, I bet we'll get paired together in some kind of group project this year. Good luck in your job hunt as well, this year's going to be tough.

  3. Andrew, it is nice to see that we are a group of 3 petroleum engineers in this class. Your trip to Mexico seems very interesting, I was actually planning on going to the same trip at the end of this year with Dr.Deepak but I do not think that it will be in Mexico this time. Anyway, your dog seems like she has a good future in Hollywood if she can impersonate a cat. Good luck on your last year man (I wish I was at mine too) and looking forward to read your future posts.

  4. Hey Andrew!

    I really enjoyed getting to read your introduction post! Like you, I am a senior and totally not ready to graduate! I think t's awesome that you were able to study abroad, I regret not taking more advantage of that! Besides Recovery Techniques, what was your favorite part of studying abroad? Does it ever get tiring getting asked why you didn’t go to school in your hometown? I’m from Lubbock, TX and I know that for me, it is one of my least favorite questions!! I am excited to see more of your work and I wish you the best of luck finishing out your senior year!

  5. Ah, it sounds like your summer in Mexico was amazing. Admittedly, the crickets do kind of give me pause, but everything else seems like it was incredible, and I imagine the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon would be worth it all on their own. Also, huge thanks for sharing that Pinky the Cat video, because it’s possibly the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Best of luck with the rest of the school year and finding that dream job.

  6. Wow. You have been to a lot of places. I cannot imagine eating crickets. The thought just disgusts me, but good for you.

    Watching the cat video was very traumatizing, but I couldn’t stop laughing, and I had to stop the video right after the cat bit him. I could feel his pain. I am thinking that you didn’t adopt him, since you posted about your corgi. My roommate had a cat, and her cat, thankfully, did not bite me. The worst it has been was a few clawing and scratches. I tried to keep my distance, since I am not used to animals, but the cat “adopted” me in the end. That is how my roommate likes to say it.

  7. It’s nice to meet you Andrew! Wow, is all I have to say about your major. There is no way I could do anything like that, I just don’t have the mindset. It’s nice that your courses take you to different countries and those pyramids are breathtaking. So pretty it almost looks photo-shopped! I haven’t seen wrestling in such a long time, it was a staple in the 90's to watch all those guys every Wednesday and Sunday. Ahhh, the memories of being body slammed by my brothers…

  8. Hey Andrew!

    You are one of the select few people who I know who have made it that far in your pursuit of a degree. A lot of my friends ended up leaving the program due to the rigorous class work (so I've heard). I hope that the oil industry ends up turning on the upside for you in the future, I think all of Oklahoma could use that right about now...
    I have studied abroad also, not to Mexico but to France, and thoroughly enjoyed my time there as well!
    You're corgi is just like my dog (being stubborn and needy). I have a bernese mountain dog named Henri.
    Best of luck this semester and your future endeavors!

  9. Hey Andrew!
    I am also a senior here at OU and excited for my future medical profession, however, I still have several more years to go of grad school. Your major is impressive and seeing your strong interest in it along with your study abroad experience looks fascinating. I share the same home state that you do except I grew up closer to the Dallas area. I am terrified of insects so I can easily say that you would have to knock me out to even get me close to a cricket let alone eating one...I had a fun time reading your introduction and appreciated it being short and sweet. Good luck this semester!

  10. Hi Andrew,
    I am a fellow senior and I am sure like me, you are ready to get out of school! One thing I am sort of envious about engineering is that you are able to get a great job right out of undergrad, unlike most other degrees that require post-bacclaruate education. I think that it is super cool that you got to study abroad in Mexico over the summer. I look forward to reading your stories this semester.

  11. Hi Andrew, I think it is awesome that you are a senior in Petroleum Engineering. I wish I could have taken a class or two abroad. I didn’t know that there was a program in Mexico. Your dog is adorable! I am glad that he hasn’t been kicked out! I think that it would be fun to go to New Zealand and I will go look at your favorite place.

  12. Andrew,
    I hear petroleum engineering is the way to do it! Very lucrative with lots of job opportunities, yeah? I'm studying microbiology, and it seems to be kind of opposite, sadly. I guess it's more important to do what you enjoy, though. How was it growing up in Austin? I've been there a couple of times and always really enjoyed it. Do you miss it? I'm eager to go back, and have even looked into going to grad school there (shhh, don't tell anyone ;) )
    Anyway, nice to meet ya!
    Ps: your dog is adorable, and Always Sunny is hilarious! I was just at the fair, and that ride that takes you up and drops you always reminds me of that episode where Dee gets one of her braids ripped out on that ride. Ugh, it makes me cringe, but it makes me laugh even harder.

  13. I definitely understand your pain. I am taking a fifth year just to keep myself from having to enter the "real" world anytime soon. That's so awesome that you got to study abroad in Mexico! I was able to study abroad in Arezzo two summers ago, and I loved it. I have really wanted to go to New Zealand AND have wanted to read the Game of Thrones series! I started to watch the HBO series a while ago, but haven't gotten through the 3rd season yet. My boyfriend LOVES It's Always Sunny and is always trying to get me to watch it with him... but I can't say that I've gotten into it just yet, lol. Maybe someday?

  14. Hi Andrew! I agree with you entirely – I graduate in just one week and I am beyond ready to be done with school. I also love reading when I am on vacation with my family, especially when we go to the beach. Also, my sister and I love watching It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Anyways, I hope you have a great last semester and I wish you good luck with everything!
