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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

School Letter Grade   Fail   Free High Resolution Photo   Dimensions
Graded paper, from Clip Art Kid
Most of these articles cover the fact the receiving feedback makes a person uncomfortable. It takes a lot of confidence to put your work into the public space, and feedback can feel a lot like rejection - especially when the feedback is more hurtful than constructive. Feedback has to come from a place of positive intentions. However, if the person giving feedback is too nice, the writer will not improve. Also, heaping praise on something that does not deserve it is not constructive. For review and feedback to work, the reader and the writer must understand each others roles, and must both enter into that relationship with good intentions.

Here are the four articles I read:
1. Five Tips for Taking Feedback like a Champ
2. The Difference Between Praise That Promotes Narcissism vs. Healthy Self-Esteem
3. Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it
4. Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset

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