Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Storytelling Portfolio

The First Voyage of Sindbad the Unlucky Sailor 
This story covers the first voyage of Sindbad the Sailor, but he is not quite as lucky in this telling. Where everything happened to go right in the original story, things go horribly wrong this time.

The Second Voyage of Sindbad the Unlucky Sailor
A follow-up to my first portfolio story, this one covering Sindbad and the Elephants. Sindbad's luck is just as good in this one.

Puss in Boots
This story is my modern take on the story of Puss in Boots. The cat focuses his efforts on helping his owner get a new job.

1 comment:

  1. I read Sindbad the Unlucky Sailor Part 2. Your story included a good amount of information for a little backstory, which allowed readers to know how he got into his current situation. Your creativity and depth of going into different scenarios were nice. I liked them. It made me feel like I was actually the main character.

    I wonder what happened during the time between the pirate incident and him being sold. Did he make friends? Was he isolated? How were the living conditions? Additionally, perhaps you can write about what he ate or if he had thoughts about home.

    Also, I wonder why he was not assigned to someone who knew about hunting ivory already. Did he have prior knowledge about ivory hunting? Or did someone tell him the basics of it earlier before the elephant incident? Or was he just expected to know about it?

    When you wrote about the Sindbad hiding in an elephant’s rib cage, it was a creative idea.
