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Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 6 Reading: Brer Rabbit Part 2

This week I am reading Brer Rabbit by Joel Chandler Harris. This post will cover part B.
Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox, from Wren's Nest
  • Unfortunately I am in the library right now, and cannot try reading the sound effects out loud. 
  • The use of prose in this story reminds me of the proverbs again. This one has a simple message - what goes down must come up. 
  • Brer rabbit using the allure of gold to trick the buzzard just reminds me that he shouldn't have agreed to fly with Mr. Buzzard in the first place. Luckily he was smart enough to recognize that Mr. Buzzard is an opportunist. 
  •  Rabbit framing Bear seems somewhat dark to me. I know the rabbit is supposed to be a trickster, and not necessarily a good person, but the bear might get punished for this. 
  • On second thought , these animals are always trying to trick and out do each other. They are all smart enough to come up with somewhat successful schemes, they could probably get a lot done if they pooled their resources. 
  • I think the biblical influences are really clear in the last two stories. One is a retelling of Noah's Ark as best I can tell. The other is a collection of proverbs. 
Thanks for reading with me. 

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