Thursday, October 6, 2016

Backup and Review: Remembering the Old

From Laura Gibbs
This comic reminds me of a lot of other jokes, that are half serious questions. How long are people going to keep saying 'hang up the phone" or how long until people don't know what the save icon is. Thanks for reading this week.


  1. Andrew, I think this is a funny comic because I have a surface book which comes with an actual electronic pen for writing. And in it's case this comic actually makes sense haha. Anyways I agree with you that some sayings are eventually going to need updating or phasing out. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more of your posts.

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    1. I think that this cartoon is very realistic. I grew up with very little electronics. While all my friends had cable and internet to use I had a trampoline and a water hose outside in the back yard. I think that with all the electronics that are out there today some of our favorite past times from when we were a kid are going to die.

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