Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 7 Extra Credit Reading: Aesop for Children

This post will cover part B of Aesop for Children by Milo Winter. 

The Bear and the Bees, by Milo Winter
  • Again, I feel that these lessons have varying levels of application to children. Some seem a little adult and serious, so that even though they hear the story they don't truly have a context for it. 
  • Why does the author switch between Mule and Ass? Is there really such a large distinction, especially in the context of a children's book? 
  • "Once a wolf, always a wolf" seems a little misguided to me. You shouldn't trust people who have wronged you in the past blindly, but the lesson seems to imply that people (including yourself) can never change. 
  • "When the great fall out, the weak must suffer for it" seems like an anti war message if I have ever seen one. 
  • I have almost certainly heard this before, even in economic lessons: Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves.
  • On page 15 all the lessons seem directed at children and not their parents. It's all about honesty and not hurting others for your own gain. 
  • I don't think Milo had heard "there is no bad PR" before he wrote "Notoriety is not fame". 
  • "Do not expect constancy in others if you have none yourself" seems to contradict the earlier lesson about wolves on some levels. 
  • "The weak are made to suffer for the misdeeds of the powerful" seems like another obvious anti war message. 
  • Wouldn't a kindness be wasted if you were kind to the wolf earlier and he betrayed you? There are some serious inconsistencies in this book. 
Thanks for reading. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrew, I wanted to comment on your extra credit reading because I always enjoy reading about Aesops fables. It looks like you enjoy them as well as you have wrote some stories based off them in the past. My favorite thing is always the morals and changing stances of how certain animals are portrayed. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more of your posts.
