Thursday, October 13, 2016

Famous Last Words: The End

Grainy screenshot, from your's truly
With this post I will have made 93 posts on this Myth and Folklore blog, and accrued enough points for an "A" in the class. I made 84 posts to finish in Epics of India, so my posts/points efficiency ratio dropped from Spring to Fall. The warmer weather of the end of Summer must distract me, or maybe it is senioritis. Now that I have finished both this class and Epics of India, I think that I am all out of creative writing energy. I drew so many blanks when it came time to find some new ideas to write about for my storytelling. It's a really frustrating experience, believe you me. Still, I am proud of the seven storytelling posts that i came up with. 

I have made 20 reading posts, which I really find to be the most enjoyable part of the class. However, I didn't find that I liked the readings as much as Epics of India, which is not what I expected. I figured some familiarity with the subject material and extra cultural relevance would make it more interesting, but perhaps I just have a thing for the exotic parts of life. I think Homer's Iliad was my favorite of all the readings I did. I really enjoyed the characters on both sides, along with their interactions with the Gods of Olympus. Second would be The Voyages of Sindbad. They were comically unbelievable, which made them fun to read, but it also made them the focus of my favorite storytelling series, The Voyages of Sindbad the Unlucky Sailor, this semester. Third favorite would be an extra credit reading, a collection of Hans Christian Anderson stories. The original story of the Little Mermaid was a lot darker than the Disney version, shockingly so. 

Thanks for reading along with me this semester, good luck with your own work!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Andrew, CONGRATULATIONS! The way Canvas displays, I had no idea you were this close. I wish we could have a class party to celebrate this! WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!

    I honestly haven't even figured out yet if I can record a final grade in Canvas in the same way I did in D2L... but as soon as I figure that out I will record it for you. :-)
