Thursday, October 13, 2016

Famous Last Words: Review Week

This week is a week intended for reflection in this class. Unfortunately, I do not really have time for that, as much as I would like to take a week to reflect on all that I have accomplished this semester. Already this week I have had three tests in my core classes (Geology and Geophysics, Reservoir Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, and Reservoir Engineering II), I actually passed out from exhaustion last night. Within the next week and a half I have due: Another test, a lab report, two projects, and various other homework assignments. On top of trying to keep up with the assignments in this class. It's certainly going to be a stressful October, wish me luck.

Image result for test
Test, from Clipart Panda
The only reading I did this week was half of the Brothers Grimm, translated by Margaret Hunt. it covered Hansel and Gretel, Thumbling, and Allerleirauh. Hansel and Gretel was my standout favorite, I found the other two to be pretty weird. The major change from the original to versions I am familiar with is the parents abandoning poor little Hansel and Gretel in the woods to starve to death. I can't help but wonder if Hansel and Gretel's mother was somehow connected to the evil of the witch. They both died conspicuously close to each other, perhaps the witches evil permeated beyond the forest. Plus, leaving Hansel and Gretel to starve to death in the forest because you can't afford to feed them is one step short of eating them yourself. I was surprised about the presence of actual character development. Hansel and Gretel's father was clearly under a lot of emotional duress, stuck between his children and his wife. Gretel also really came into her own, and stopped following Hansel's lead by killing that evil witch, quite cleverly and brutally I might add.

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