Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Image result for growth mindset
From Choice Schools
I have a hard time committing to more creative ideas due to my fear of public failure. I don't have enough time to write a second story or go back to the drawing board if a story doesn't work out, so I tend to play it safe with my writing. This really matches up with more things on the left of the list than the right, unfortunately. I hope that by putting out some work in a receptive and friendly environment like this class will help me feel more confident about doing similar things in other places in the future. On the other side of the coin, I hope this class will make me more comfortable with giving critical feedback, because I also have trouble with this. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrew, I wanted to comment on your growth mindset post because I feel that I am in a similar boat when it comes to public fear of failure. Sometimes I feel that I have an idea that may work for a weekly storytelling but sometimes I will be pessimistic toward the idea because of this fear. I think I too will become more comfortable as I continue with this class though and I'm sure you will too. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more of your posts.
