Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 8 Class Reflections

Sindbad, the subject of my favorite writing this semester. Wikipedia
Some readings in this class, such as Brer Rabbit, seem weirder to me than those from Epics of India. This even despite the fact that no readings from Epics took place in America. I will say, however, that I have enjoyed the variety of readings in this class. I'm certainly covering more of the world with my choices. It has helped me come up with more ideas for my stories. I have enjoyed reading Homer's Iliad and the Voyages of Sindbad so far. I am looking forward to reading the Native American Hero Tales and Beowulf. 

As far as my storytelling is concerned, I am finding it harder to come up with new ideas every week. Especially after Epics, I am all out ideas about how to change up the original readings. This is why I have written more followups this semester. This is not to say that I am not proud of what I have done. I particularly like how my retelling of Sindbad turned out. 

As far as the work of others is concerned, I am impressed with how creative some peoples ideas are. They are really able to expand upon the deeper themes of a given reading, and not just offer a twist with the same characters and settings. I think that my feedback is useful, but I will be the first to tell you that it is mostly positive. I have a hard time being too critical, especially when I know how much emotional energy it takes to put your work in a public space. 

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